Barnes and Noble Obsession: Girl in Pieces
November 18, 2021
Since I was young, I always hated reading; no matter what it was I never liked it.

Recently, I have discovered my hidden love for reading. I learned that when I pick out something I like, reading is enjoyable, and I often find myself reading with my spare time.
Along with my new hobby, I started shopping at Barnes and Noble. I find myself buying too many books to read at once, and for some reason even after that I feel like I need more. Barnes and Noble is one of my favorite places to be now and I may want to even work there, I love it.
My current favorite book, Girl in Pieces, is a fictional story about a seventeen-year-old girl named Charlotte (Charlie). At just seventeen years old she already lost so much, more than a usual person would lose in their lifetime, but she taught herself how to forget. Charlie suffers from many mental health disorders and has lived a very rough teenage life; she ends up homeless and attempts to kill herself. Two boys save her and take her to a hospital where she will recover and build herself back up. She has no one left but still manages to find a job, live on her own, and even build new relationships. It’s a sad and triggering story, but it also inspired me.
Girl in Pieces is very special to me and only took me about a week to read. It showed me a different perspective on life, as well as teaching you to value relationships; and navigating them. Following Charlie along on her journey inspired me and I got emotionally attached to her character, I felt like I was helping her through her struggles. I highly recommend you give Girl in Pieces a read, I promise it will be worth it.