RHS Removing Vending Machines
April 19, 2022
Dr. Shaw has released a statement that all vending machines at Roswell are being removed.

This is devastating news for every student that enjoys using the vending machines. Many students were already outraged by vending machines being shut down during lunch and this is the last straw.
This past Friday, Mar. 11, Dr. Shaw sent out an email, notifying students that the vending machines were being taken away. These vending machines were loved by many, and it hurts to see them go.
Some of the memories created have been things like leaving class to grab a snack or teaming up with random students to shake a snack out of the machine. The vending machines help students bond and create long-lasting friendships.
Junior Roxanne Thompson says she “created one of [her] best friendships when a random girl had to help [her] shake a bag of chips out of the vending machine.” She also reported, “There is no reason for Shaw to take away the vending machines. He will be taking away happiness and memories along with them.”
There is a protest being organized by students to stop the removal of the machines. The protest will take place on Mar. 32. Students will all choose a vending machine and sit around it for the whole day, signifying that they will not let their vending machines go.
Shaw has even faced outrage from some parents. Some parents rely on vending machines as a source of food for their kids. Some parents don’t want to wake up early enough to make handmade lunches for their kids. Roswell parent Aimee Strong says, “I’d rather not wake up earlier than I already do to pack my son a lunch. There is no point in Shaw taking away the vending machines.”