There are many clubs that students can choose from here at Roswell, and one of those clubs is the Book Club. The Book Club is run by English teacher, Steffen Mathis and was just started this year! The Book Club meets every other week on Thursdays in the library for an hour. To discuss the books they have read and sometimes do fun activities for the books.
One week they may make a poster about one of the characters in the book, and another week they may play a game revolving around the book. The book club allows students to express their creativity in ways that are unique and fun.
Anyone is welcome to join the Book Club, and there are no requirements needed to join. There are two ways that people can join the book club. Mathis says, “You would probably get in touch with me here at 508 or [email protected] email me.” Her room number is 508, in the hallway directly across from the Student Services room.
The Book Club is also great for new students. The club has a positive atmosphere and can help people make new friends. Mathis says, “everyone is so open and friendly; I think that it encourages people to express themselves.”
The book club has many benefits of joining. The club is short and it helps students learn how to express themselves and can also encourage them to read more. If you’re looking for a club to join and have nowhere in mind, you should give the book club a try.