The Never Ending Fight for Women’s Reproductive Rights: Texas Legislation
January 18, 2022

The fight for women’s reproduction rights has felt like a never-ending cycle of progress and set back. From Roe v. Wade setting the scene for abortion rights and since then women advocating for more fixability to have control over their own bodies. Abortion laws are legally decided state by state. In states like New York the limit to when you can get an abortion is much later then more republican states like Texas. So much so in Texas they recently lawed for the ban on abortions after six weeks. This is incredibly dangerous of women, their children, and doctors in the state of Texas.
The Texas law restricts abortions as early as six weeks into a pregnancy. This is hypothetically missing two periods for a woman taking into consideration that her periods are regular. For most women their periods remain irregular even when they are adults this can be results from exercising, any kind of stress, and diet which has no limit to age. This means most women who want to get an abortion in Texas won’t even know they are pregnant until it is too late to get a procedure. Completely limiting the availability of women’s rights by individuals who could never experience the time and pain of a period or pregnancy. The dangers of these laws stem not only a short-term effect but a long-term effect that legislation has not taken into consideration.
Legislation does not take into consideration the communities that mostly get abortions and how that effects nation statistically. Abortion clinics are more concentratedly located in low-income areas because those areas are where women are more likely to have abortions. These low-income mothers often get abortions because they know the own community they grow up in and want a safe and healthy area to raise their children. Not to mention the pregnancy rate is at a lower age in these areas and women who are still children themselves are not fit to be mothers and care for infants. Crime rate in these areas is also higher meaning a higher rate of pregnancy’s due to domestic violence or rape is much more common. Now with new legislation it increases the risk for child poverty and abuse especially in areas where abortions are more common, but lawmaker’s thing it is the greater good of “saving children,” there for no wrong could ever be done.
Most abortion laws come from and stem from religious ideologies. The Dallas Morning News interviewed Dr. Robert Jeffress who’s a senior paster in Texas about abortion in politics, “Every minister of the world of God has a responsibility to teach not what the Republican Party says, not what the Democratic Party says but what the Bible says, and the Bible is very clear that life inside the womb and outside the womb is sacred. It is a gift from God and needs to be protected,” Jeffress said. A majority of Texas falls under Baptist and Christian ideologies which coincides for the state to have similar views on abortion in this way. While many could think through religion it is not a definite for everyone which disallows a separation of church and state. Those who need abortions and don’t affiliate abortion with religion are victim of the outcome.
Maggie DeLuca, 11, was asked about her opinions on this Texas ban and how it might affect neighboring states, “It can actually be super scary, Texas and Georgia have very similar political stances as a state which concerns me for not only abortions but Planned Parenthoods too. A lot of people I know and am friends with get affordable birth control from Planned Parenthood and if Georgia keeps up with Texas, we could easily see a decrease in them across the state. If there is a decrease in affordable birth control, how can we even think about decreasing abortions when there’s no safe way to prevent them. It’s a domino effect that inevitably will lead to more poverty, overpopulation, and dangerous procedures for women across the country.”