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The Student News Site of Roswell High School

The Sting

  • March 28Good luck to track and field at the FCS championship tomorrow @ Langston Hughes!
  • March 28Prom tomorrow Hornets! Get excited!
  • March 28Soccer girls and Lacrosse boys both take on Walton tonight! Come support your Hornets!
The Student News Site of Roswell High School

The Sting

The Student News Site of Roswell High School

The Sting

All content by Gracie Ross
Senior Veronica Soroka saw her life flash before her eyes as Dr. Conners (The Lizard) flung her off of the water tower. She will be forever grateful for Spiderman's quick thinking and agility that saved her life.
Photo Credit: Sony Pictures

Spider-Man Spotting Alert! Roswell High School now on mild lockdown

Krysta Schwab, Gracie Ross, and Rachel Sandstrom April 19, 2022

Some say that alternate realities are just a myth, something that merely exists in sci-fi movies and comic books. Throw out everything you think you know about our universe because there have been not...

Coffee Chronicles 3: Starbucks Iced Apple Crisp Macchiato Review 

Coffee Chronicles 3: Starbucks Iced Apple Crisp Macchiato Review 

Gracie Ross, Staff Writer November 23, 2021

When the first chill is in the air and the leaves are a bright shade of orange, everyone craves a fall drink from Starbucks.   The all-new Iced Apple Crisp Macchiato was added to the Starbucks menu...

“Rachel and Gracie were eager to try the new Pink Velvet Macchiato” (photo taken by Gracie Ross).

Review on Dunkin Valentine’s drink Pink Velvet Macchiato

Gracie Ross February 23, 2021

The Pink Velvet Macchiato is a Valentine’s Day must-have for espresso lovers. The Pink Velvet Macchiato combines Dunkin’s signature espresso with red velvet cake flavor and cream cheese icing. When...

“ People have to wear mask and take precaution of second pandemic

because the true origin has yet to be discovered” ( photo by Gracie Ross).

In Order to Stop the Next Pandemic from CoV-2, the Origins of COVID-19 Must Be Discovered

Gracie Ross February 4, 2021

COVID-19 is one of the most catastrophic global health events of our lifetime, and disturbingly we still do not know how it began. What is even more troubling is despite the importance of this question,...

Learn the importance of voting and get a cool sticker ( photo by unsplash)

Voting in the Upcoming Election is Important

Gracie Ross November 17, 2020

Most Americans are afforded the right to vote in Article 1 of the United States Constitution. It is important to voice your opinion in order to find the best results for our country. During election time...

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