Rilee Henry is a senior at Roswell. She’s a cheerleader, student council member, and works with the school’s front desk. Being a senior, she’s had many of memorable moments. The most memorable must be her cheerleading experience. She has made so many relationships and memories throughout her high school career. Her most embarrassing moment was doing the game day cheers in the middle of the basketball court during pep rallies. Rilee won prom queen this year.
Gregg Rapp is a Junior at Roswell. He plays baseball here at Roswell as well as a Ga Jackets baseball player. He is a part of the National Honors Society, Science Honors Society, UGA hero’s, And FCA. His most memorable moment is pitching in a game against Blessed Trinity for Roswell. Being in high school, the embarrassing moments never stop. Gregg says his most embarrassing moment was “Maybe forgetting my cleats for my first varsity game.” He won prom prince.

Macy Lawrence is a junior at Roswell. She’s a Roswell Varsity cheerleader as well as a competition cheerleader. She’s a part of the club FCA. Her most memorable moment was winning regions for cheer. She doesn’t have a most embarrassing moment, but she became really close with her friend group this year and she got really lucky with her teachers this year. She won prom princess.
Brady Krantz is a senior at Roswell, and he plays tennis. In his free time, he likes to work out and stay in shape. His most memorable moment was his first day of high school because he was out of school for so long. He says his most embarrassing moment would have to be “when I first got here, getting lost looking for classes.” Which is a problem a lot of high schoolers have. He won prom king.