Roswell City Council recently approved a contract to move on with the Woodstock and King Road Project. This project has been in the process for months, but it has now officially begun.
The construction will add a right turn lane on Woodstock Road at the intersection of Crossville Road and Woodstock Road. Along with this, it will extend the King Road turn lane to the senior parking lot entrance at Roswell.
Construction for this project is expected to take 12-18 months. Materials used, included under the contract, are sub-grade evaluation, soil density testing, concrete testing, and asphalt analysis.
The bidding date for this project started on June 8, 2023, but the project did not begin until around early August. This intersection project will affect many parents driving students to Roswell, as well as teachers, juniors and seniors who have parking spots at the school.
Senior Ari Pais has a parking spot in the senior lot at Roswell, and he claims that the intersection project would affect his everyday route to and from school. Pais said, “For me, the added lane into the senior lot would be a huge help getting into school more quickly each day, because I enter Roswell from the King/Woodstock intersection side.”
Pais then follows with, “However, an extra turn lane into Woodstock wouldn’t do too much for me since I don’t come down from that road, but if it frees up the intersection, I’m all for it.”
Senior Taven Bernard also agrees that the added turn lane at Woodstock Road would be very convenient and helpful. Bernard said, “A senior lot extra lane would really help getting into the lot, sometimes the area gets so backed up in the mornings it goes all the way past the lights at Woodstock.”
Parents who drop their kids off at school will also be affected by this project. Roswell parent Lindsey Vail said, “I think the traffic around Woodstock Road and King Road is very dangerous for walkers and young drivers and I’m glad they’re doing the construction.”
Vail then said, “While construction is ongoing, it will affect the time of our commute. But once completed it should move the flow in and out of the senior lot much faster.”
Junior Dylan Sanning thinks the added right turn lane into Woodstock would be beneficial. Sanning said, “yes the construction would affect it, it took me an hour to get to school yesterday because very little cars can get through the light before it turns red again.”
Roswell has struggled with heavy traffic to and from school, causing students to leave their house earlier than they would on non-school hours just to make it to school on time. This project could be of help with the traffic and make the drive for students and parents to Roswell much easier and quicker.