Many seniors may have their final day of school on May 10, but there are still a variety of school-related events to concern oneself with after that day.

The Yearbook Dedication will take place on May 13, 2024 at 11 a.m. in the auditorium. Here, seniors will receive their yearbooks and get the chance to swap signatures with peers. The Senior Picnic will follow with food from Bill’s Grills. Its price is included in the Senior Activity fee. Nonetheless, students who have not paid it can buy a meal ticket at the picnic for $10.
Seniors are invited to walk the halls of feeder schools which they attended wearing their cap and gown on May 15.

On May 16, Senior Clearence is scheduled in the Main Gym. Staff will confirm that all students have turned in all their textbooks and paid back any fines. All students must reach “Cleared” status to participate in graduation practice. Use Follett Destiny on ClassLink to check for any missing devices or books.
On May 19, Roswell parents and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes will be hosting a Baccalaureate at Roswell United Methodist Church. The ceremony begins at 3 p.m. and is not an official event sponsored by the school or county. Caps and gowns are meant to be worn here.
Graduation practice is on May 20, from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Attending practice is necessary to participate in the official ceremony. Students must dress in line with Roswell’s dress code policy. Sweatpants, leggings, sagging pants, off-shoulder shirts, tank tops, ones with thin straps, and halters/bare midriffs are prohibited. Dresses and skirts worn at the actual ceremony should not hang below the graduation gown hem. Students will receive ten graduation tickets at the end of graduation practice, which will not be replaced if lost.
Prior to the graduation practice, there will be a senior breakfast from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. at the Chick-Fil-A located in the Target shopping center. Meal tickets will be issued at the entrance, so students who paid the activity fee may eat breakfast free of charge.
The official ceremony will be held at Ameris Bank Amphitheatre, commencing at 2 p.m. Seniors must enter through the East Gate and report to the backstage assembly area by 12:30 p.m. Students may park in the “C” Lot. Parents and other guests must park in Lot “A” and enter through the West gate starting at 1 p.m. Additionally, all bags larger than 6″X9″ must be clear. Diaper and camera bags are permitted but will be searched and tagged. Students will pick up their diplomas on May 22 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the atrium.