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The Student News Site of Roswell High School

The Sting

  • March 7Purchase prom tickets now on OSP! Prices increase after 3/15!
  • March 7Soccer games tonight @ home 6 pm & 8 pm
  • March 7Track meet tomorrow @ River Ridge!
  • March 7Baseball game tonight @ Gainesville!
  • March 7Lacrosse game tonight @ Milton!
The Student News Site of Roswell High School

The Sting

The Student News Site of Roswell High School

The Sting

All content by Ansley Tanner
The recent rainy weather in Georgia is due in part to climate change. Photo Credit: Ansley Tanner

Climate Change is Underestimated

Ansley Tanner April 15, 2021

Amidst the COVID pandemic, climate change was often overlooked by Americans, however that is the worst thing to do currently. Climate change is increasingly getting more relevant and needs to be recognized...

The girls and boys varsity soccer teams scrimmage each other to prepare for their seasons. Photo Credit: Ashley Meyer

Soccer season is underway

Ansley Tanner January 31, 2021

 Boys’ and girls’ Roswell soccer tryouts took place the week of Jan 11. After the teams were selected, practice started the very next week. Varsity girls and boys have been practicing on the grass...

Above shows a setup for online learning; it is a good idea to make the best of the situation at hand. Pic Cred: Unsplash

Why school spirit is still important

Ansley Tanner September 23, 2020

In the midst of a global pandemic, school spirit may be the last thing on a student’s mind. However, this should not be the case. Although students at Roswell have not had the opportunity to physically...

Climate change is a fact, not an opinion

Ansley Tanner, News Page Editor, Director of Business January 29, 2020

The increase in the amount of disaster that has struck over the past 15 years has been indisputably due to climate change. Natural disasters have increased exponentially recently, whether it be hurricanes,...

This is an example of one of the snowy houses that one would see in a movie that most people want to wake up to on Christmas morning. Credit: Unsplash

Georgia weather fails to precipitate a White Christmas, once again

Ansley Tanner, Staff Writer December 25, 2019

Most citizens of Georgia are dreaming of a White Christmas. This has not happened in multiple years and southern states like Georgia are known for being warm most of the year. This December, the week of...

Christmas is a time for celebration and has many meaning and connotations to different people. Pic Credit: Unsplash

Places in the Roswell area have begun decorating for Christmas, why? Is it too early?

Ansley Tanner, Staff Writer December 17, 2019

Every year, Thanksgiving is relatively in the middle of the month of November. However, this year, the holiday is the last week of the month. Not only does this take time away from the December holidays...

School off on voting day is necessary

Ansley Tanner, Staff Writer December 5, 2019

Not having school on voting day gives many opportunities to students, teachers and the community alike.  If Roswell High School were to have had school on Nov. 5, disaster would have struck. Not only...

Mrs. Kemp enjoys her second room full of mini kitchens where students bond over meals.| photo: Ansley Tanner

Mrs. Kemp and her lasting impact on Roswell High School

Ansley Tanner, Staff Writer October 31, 2019

Some of the most underappreciated electives are the food classes. Food Nutrition and Wellness, Food For Life, and Food Science are all taught by Mrs. Kemp. She is an amazing role model for many students...

Year-round school harms teachers and students, should not be implemented

Ansley Tanner, Staff Writer October 22, 2019

Roswell High is slowly transitioning into having year-round school and more frequent breaks throughout, which should not happen for the sake of the students. If summers continue to get shorter and...

Damages caused by Dorian on a small Island on the coast of North Carolina.
Photo Credit: Los Angeles Times

The tropical storm Dorian, and the damage it caused

Ansley Tanner September 13, 2019

Hurricane Dorian has left families devastated all over the East Coast. Dorian, the category five hurricane that hit the Bahamas, has now hit the coast of Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas. Dorian...

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